The Invitation

You may sense this pull from within or even find it as a discomfort. When you embody your not-self you feel the distortion. When you embody your soul self you feel the harmony and your life begins to reflect this back to you as well. In this workshop we will attune to our natural state and engage with our soul self, healing and activation energies to reconnect and restructure into our true Divine nature.

Reconnect and Restructure

Purchase to get immediate access.

  • We will work with your MerKaBa and restructure through frequency and Akashic connection

  • Akashic based workshop that will reconnect you into lifetimes of mastery.

  • These lifetimes will invite you to restructure into your true natural design and state of consciousness.

  • Session runs 1 hour including journey, healing and activation.

If you are feeling the nudge secure your space now

Workshop including journey, healing and activation will run about an hour. Recording access included.